Name d/addresstower

Status Active
Expires after block 742309 ( 18694 blocks to go )
Expiry date Oct. 24, 2024, 1:57 a.m. (estimate)
Last update Feb. 16, 2024, 7:11 p.m. (block 706309)
Registered since July 11, 2023, 1:57 a.m. (block 673356)
First registration Sept. 24, 2018, 1:35 a.m. (block 37368)
Current value

Name operations

Date/Time Block Transaction Operation Value
Feb. 16, 2024, 7:11 p.m. 706309 1d8800b37… NAME_UPDATE {}
July 11, 2023, 1:57 a.m. 673356 368c11930… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {}
July 11, 2023, 12:11 a.m. 673344 8bf7499d9… NAME_NEW e31e7d48b21f2991c1a174ebd82ece6a604e8a9f
Nov. 5, 2022, 4:51 a.m. 637283 971f2b481… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE
Nov. 5, 2022, 3:01 a.m. 637271 b9875b8cf… NAME_NEW ba60918c62e4907a7eb4bd3fd033f83d2f70318b
Jan. 7, 2019, 12:42 a.m. 433147 7db88f6e5… NAME_UPDATE None
Sept. 24, 2018, 3:40 a.m. 418541 1e93f3e0c… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE I'm Daniell Mesquita, also known as Mesquito and Plasmmer. I was born with the full name Daniell Wilson Jose Mesquita, on the city of Cascavel, state of Parana, in Brazil. I was born in April 9 of the 1997 year, and currently I'm 21 years old (as the time I wrote this message). I declare I'm owner of this Namecoin address, of this domain (addresstower.bit), of any copyrights/registers I do by using file hash codes in transactions and of any files registered here.
Sept. 24, 2018, 1:35 a.m. 418526 b5bc22424… NAME_NEW 365a74ded3994cbc7853573c3d52ee3025189a56