Name d/daniellmesquita

Status Active
Expires after block 768433 ( 6363 blocks to go )
Expiry date April 20, 2025, 6:02 a.m. (estimate)
Last update Aug. 16, 2024, 10:30 a.m. (block 732433)
Registered since Aug. 11, 2021, 3:28 p.m. (block 571378)
First registration Sept. 24, 2018, 12:55 a.m. (block 37368)
Current value
{"post": ["HiFive Unleashed (even with its expensive price) is a great step till we have quantum computers. It is, unlikely Raspberry Pi, fully open-source with its RISK-V CPU architecture. Hope to see its cheaper versions and to make Floflis OS available to it."]}

Name operations

Date/Time Block Transaction Operation Value
Aug. 16, 2024, 10:30 a.m. 732433 7c131908e… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["HiFive Unleashed (even with its expensive price) is a great step till we have quantum computers. It is, unlikely Raspberry Pi, fully open-source with its RISK-V CPU architecture. Hope to see its cheaper versions and to make Floflis OS available to it."]}
Jan. 3, 2024, 5:52 p.m. 699716 b1b14e6d7… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["HiFive Unleashed (even with its expensive price) is a great step till we have quantum computers. It is, unlikely Raspberry Pi, fully open-source with its RISK-V CPU architecture. Hope to see its cheaper versions and to make Floflis OS available to it."]}
May 26, 2023, 3:59 a.m. 666805 7a2949604… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["HiFive Unleashed (even with its expensive price) is a great step till we have quantum computers. It is, unlikely Raspberry Pi, fully open-source with its RISK-V CPU architecture. Hope to see its cheaper versions and to make Floflis OS available to it."]}
Oct. 11, 2022, 8:49 p.m. 633755 41463ae0c… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["HiFive Unleashed (even with its expensive price) is a great step till we have quantum computers. It is, unlikely Raspberry Pi, fully open-source with its RISK-V CPU architecture. Hope to see its cheaper versions and to make Floflis OS available to it."]}
Feb. 23, 2022, 3:27 p.m. 600426 81ee81c52… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["HiFive Unleashed (even with its expensive price) is a great step till we have quantum computers. It is, unlikely Raspberry Pi, fully open-source with its RISK-V CPU architecture. Hope to see its cheaper versions and to make Floflis OS available to it."]}
Aug. 11, 2021, 3:28 p.m. 571378 e617b7289… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"post": ["HiFive Unleashed (even with its expensive price) is a great step till we have quantum computers. It is, unlikely Raspberry Pi, fully open-source with its RISK-V CPU architecture. Hope to see its cheaper versions and to make Floflis OS available to it."]}
Aug. 11, 2021, 12:19 p.m. 571364 07f781f6f… NAME_NEW 683672122370fbd8022dc08bb9762d70219246e7
April 28, 2019, 3:08 a.m. 449367 a532e7137… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["HiFive Unleashed (even with its expensive price) is a great step till we have quantum computers. It is, unlikely Raspberry Pi, fully open-source with its RISK-V CPU architecture. Hope to see its cheaper versions and to make Floflis OS available to it."]}
April 28, 2019, 2:49 a.m. 449366 3e7a88a13… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["I invite mindful freemasons for debating about things, such as: why they are pro-retro and against evolution/femme/LGBTQ+ (even supporting futuristic/freemind things/campaigns when it means money) as if they were God to create everything at once; why they are smart good-clothered mans that invites alcooholic violent mans of scandalous cars/motos to work for them; why they says everything is a coin without a right side, but their side is the righest; and other questions like"]}
April 25, 2019, 4:02 a.m. 448916 24baca867… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["Worked for the Linkopolis, Open Planet Initiative and ABCS sites; and their groups"]}
April 19, 2019, 8:24 p.m. 448133 1a9d75501… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["Reviewing some human views about aerodynamics of discs"]}
April 19, 2019, 7:31 p.m. 448124 9413133e9… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["This research is aligned with my previews for 2026 and 2031:"]}
April 19, 2019, 3:24 a.m. 448012 d9a426eac… NAME_UPDATE {"phrase": ["Don't say 'good morning/evening/night': they are already good themselves; but say 'good humans'"]}
April 19, 2019, 3:08 a.m. 448009 840772b7f… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["Feeding my brain by reading about Duniter cryptocurrency, and how it is better than Bitcoin and even Ethereum:"]}
April 15, 2019, 8:25 p.m. 447513 2440d4a4c… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["For looking for another house, we came out from Bairro Alto and are on Valdir's houses, and yesterday a neighbor (William) said to my mom: 'are you sure you arent crazy? are you sure?', and explaining that on menthal ashylums there are crazy people that can live at society (with a talking that opens breach to interdict any people)"]}
April 15, 2019, 8:01 p.m. 447511 04dcb6d83… NAME_UPDATE {"register": ["2840cdc169017279a5f1f048817e9ee4ab399a67"]}
April 15, 2019, 7:43 p.m. 447509 16a65f570… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["And till today (and from previous days) I'm annotating my mom's costs about me"]}
April 11, 2019, 9:10 p.m. 446947 6a17a0643… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["I'm annotating any costs my mom have with me, since april 9 (my 22 yo aniversary)"]}
April 8, 2019, 9:08 p.m. 446519 d4806d48f… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["Rich mans that are part of freemasonry, haves no idea about what are their bosses and their capability to do horrible things against people WITH NO REASON (and they invents a reason/arguments/judiciary pages/accident relatories). They are making our lives impossible, and yesterday (and today) they hiddenly threw poison at our house"]}
April 8, 2019, 8:55 p.m. 446518 e7a711767… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["I have 0.03101500 NMC to update my Namecoin domains, including this. Can't get more, as the passwords of my exchanges are on the HD of my notebook, and it can't be readed at cybercafes. Also, on Bairro Alto, my mom doesn't wants to take 2 buses, so she prefers to pay an Uber, which is more expensive and obligues us to come to the center of city only once a month"]}
April 8, 2019, 8:29 p.m. 446514 292b494eb… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["Freemasons attacked my notebook, we couldn't live on the rent houses of Valdir because of what Lelo did against us at Public Ministery, my mom didn't wanted to live in a rent house from an christian women, and wanted to go to Valdir again (even he being an threat to us and defending Emerson, another threat). And my only option was the only house available at Bairro Alto, my mom were against, and people around recorded to use as lawfare"]}
April 8, 2019, 8:05 p.m. 446510 bed32bf47… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["Yesterday my phone breaked my SD card (32GB), but said it is not his fault. Today I've put the old SD card (16 GB), and he broke another SD, not even telling what happened. Putting the 32 GB SD at cybercafe's PC, it is working. I'll need to format my phone, but first I need to backup it from PC"]}
April 2, 2019, 10:29 p.m. 445658 86b2a49eb… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["On a lan-house, freemasons recorded and said I were doing wrong things, ordering the man to ask our personal doc"]}
April 2, 2019, 9:47 p.m. 445656 aefb92754… NAME_UPDATE {"register": ["696594e672e58efee35e49a5ab8ad78099955de7"]}
April 2, 2019, 9:40 p.m. 445654 ae2164c7d… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["Probably one of the following recordings (they're zipped on same archive), are about Emerson attaking and threating me and my mom:, (and if it isn't, I'll need to use my Sony's Walkman; but I'll not open it at cybercafe, for security sake, so I'm only using the recordings from my phone. These recordings are divised on zip files, then joint them on a proper software)"]}
April 2, 2019, 9:18 p.m. 445652 d435c975b… NAME_UPDATE {"register": ["c70bd8279da5ca6bdaaaed956709633b39ae6a7f, 8c863c33c8170d2d8160d4839b4d324dafdb1113, 67b4d9fd2e4008febdb6eca3e5624baabbbb0341, 82896b1b07317e0321c5a9312cbaf0cb1fac2e1f, 5fbbf3928818aac156d96b59b7aabcc30f39abee, ac7d4429d74067e95f3c2f8c0623cdb8e9a8bc2a, 6e8620f6a3f19574a3816cbcf704eb49d627c4d1, ab75bcec943d10e3f446df3ab55933b029c669ea"]}
March 26, 2019, 8:35 p.m. 444607 9e97d350f… NAME_UPDATE None
March 15, 2019, 9:20 p.m. 442968 f7fc3ee63… NAME_UPDATE {"post": ["Our two neighbors, from front of our room in the rent (Luis and Emerson) are conspirating against our image, saying my mom is crazy and I'm incentivizing she. But, my recording shows that they are just trying to protect their and colleague's crimes. Recordings on other registr"]}
March 12, 2019, 4:30 p.m. 442533 6b2a20624… NAME_UPDATE
Feb. 21, 2019, 8:43 p.m. 439942 cfe203e8c… NAME_UPDATE
Feb. 21, 2019, 8:38 p.m. 439940 4fe35f200… NAME_UPDATE Watching yesterday on YouTube about the chernobyl case, that is a shame for the world's ownwers. They're really nihilistic suicidals with influence power and money. But I'm sure it were boycotted, because of Soviethic Union
Feb. 21, 2019, 8:30 p.m. 439939 8471282f8… NAME_UPDATE On Brazil is a high advantage (for both sons and gov) to take oldies to menthal/other asylums. The olds haven't the same mind to multiply money and manage taxes, but their sons does. They interdict their parents, receives their money to manage, and the asylums earns money by keeping saying they are un-capable
Feb. 21, 2019, 8:21 p.m. 439938 33351d5f2… NAME_UPDATE None
Feb. 21, 2019, 8:06 p.m. 439936 74776a037… NAME_UPDATE [...] The invasor of Dr. Note technical assistance, looked at notebook, used an magnifier like an Sherlook Holmes and said: "this is oxided, is that!". I said it were working with that, and even with more it will still work. He said: "you're a technical?! you're not humble, you want to know more than the technicals, at that manner no one will want to fix your notebook!". I've recorded that. And on Cascavel, another freemason said with a laugh: "the notebook is openned".
Feb. 21, 2019, 7:40 p.m. 439935 f9b6c4503… NAME_UPDATE None
Feb. 18, 2019, 4:49 p.m. 439516 455611da8… NAME_UPDATE 07e5e975c3765f85fc06dcdcfcabb63d896d3a06, 2c598f185af86c82f11ebc6dfc8edc55653b1860
Feb. 18, 2019, 4:33 p.m. 439513 419bcae44… NAME_UPDATE Hierarchy is only useful at alimentary chain; otherwise it is just a cannibal idiotic specie
Feb. 14, 2019, 11:30 p.m. 438953 615ef711d… NAME_UPDATE Freemasons are acting to jail me (Daniell Wilson Jose Mesquita) and my syster (Danielle Leticia Mesquita), accusing us to abbandoning or attacking my mom (Aurea Maria Mesquita)
Feb. 14, 2019, 11:18 p.m. 438952 3f9b7152c… NAME_UPDATE If my mom buys an notebook, freemasons will say I'm a wolf robbing the own mom that attacked the own notebook to receive a newer
Feb. 14, 2019, 11 p.m. 438947 32f80f51b… NAME_UPDATE While me and my mom were coming to an cybercafe freemasons ordered a child to work with a hoe:
Feb. 14, 2019, 10:10 p.m. 438942 4de11fc2d… NAME_UPDATE My resolution about the disrupted industries and the new industries comming on the future:
Feb. 14, 2019, 9:53 p.m. 438941 dc24f05bd… NAME_UPDATE Yes, I did future insights from 2019 to 2043, posted on Peepeth ( Also on IPFS
Feb. 14, 2019, 9:29 p.m. 438939 229809257… NAME_UPDATE Register: 7809b4cf2a104d6c16050fb4a7234352624e7ffc
Feb. 12, 2019, 11:20 p.m. 438608 0a5d65d7e… NAME_UPDATE Freemasons attacked my notebook, and its power jack isn't working. And they accused me of attacking my own very notebook
Feb. 12, 2019, 8:49 p.m. 438597 38fe83802… NAME_UPDATE None
Feb. 12, 2019, 8:21 p.m. 438594 d0b47fd27… NAME_UPDATE None
Jan. 29, 2019, 2:24 a.m. 436303 27bdb7f7d… NAME_UPDATE None
Jan. 28, 2019, 5:51 a.m. 436197 cef470eb6… NAME_UPDATE Revolutionary technology for phones, cars, quantum computers and any other: CO2 > water > energy
Jan. 28, 2019, 3:26 a.m. 436178 7320603eb… NAME_UPDATE Human reasoning is simpler than what neural networks shows
Jan. 27, 2019, 8:35 p.m. 436135 62ef7397d… NAME_UPDATE I know why some bank didn't accepted Venezuela's withdraw of 2 billion of their own gold; because they know Venezuela will use that to invest on Bitcoin and other crypto
Jan. 26, 2019, 8:47 p.m. 435983 1bb3c42b5… NAME_UPDATE On 2016 I were using (Wayback Machine) for registering copyrights, and on 2017 I've started using Blockai/Binded and Namecoin. On 2015/2016 I've also initially using email register. Now I'm also using Ethereum
Jan. 26, 2019, 2:51 a.m. 435881 43901fab9… NAME_UPDATE Framework is the world's first web framework that is pointy-clicky for creating a new project (thanks to ZeroNet's site clonning feature) and the world's first web framework to implement native blur effect. Available at Dat: dat://23ff10c16295d0f1b5d460ca1f9d97943cae046a76e9d373b70dfed750428fb5/
Jan. 26, 2019, 12:45 a.m. 435871 33da8be55… NAME_UPDATE Had an idea for "ChairBoss" smart pen: alongside with its initial idea of picking/applying colors from/to e-ink displays, enable CSS hover effect on mobile/touch screens through NFC
Jan. 25, 2019, 7:17 p.m. 435834 dfdc29002… NAME_UPDATE My site on Dat network: dat://1ca9fbb886ea8d3428867440f4c18872c38ce7758d0bcd5605c4e89257b31a4e
Jan. 24, 2019, 4:53 a.m. 435585 ab969fbb1… NAME_UPDATE My address (Ethereum) on Peepeth: 0xDDfC2e10702d8A781727A34D83B3bb3CA94a3E91
Jan. 23, 2019, 4:04 a.m. 435439 cb6b9ae90… NAME_UPDATE Freemasons on the city of Cascavel/Parana/Brazil are persecuting us for lots of years, from cities to cities. But here is where it started for us, and the public instituitions/government here is the most corrupt of all cities we lived. They're all partner of my brother to jail me, my mom and my system, to my brother receive or house
Jan. 16, 2019, 1:55 a.m. 434446 77ce16714… NAME_UPDATE None
Jan. 2, 2019, 5:37 p.m. 432457 5927f4f72… NAME_UPDATE None
Dec. 30, 2018, 12:35 a.m. 431903 4d8dbdc2c… NAME_UPDATE None
Dec. 13, 2018, 7:02 p.m. 429509 cb00a4dce… NAME_UPDATE None
Dec. 4, 2018, 12:27 a.m. 428097 3ffb6cdfa… NAME_UPDATE None
Dec. 4, 2018, midnight 428096 537b1603f… NAME_UPDATE None
Oct. 24, 2018, 3:24 p.m. 422833 d72c30438… NAME_UPDATE None
Oct. 24, 2018, 3:06 p.m. 422832 25016bfb3… NAME_UPDATE None
Oct. 13, 2018, 4:42 p.m. 421356 5fbf82eef… NAME_UPDATE None
Oct. 12, 2018, 12:09 a.m. 421137 84340d622… NAME_UPDATE None
Oct. 2, 2018, 1:45 p.m. 419806 4125d4081… NAME_UPDATE I'm Daniell Mesquita, also known as Mesquito and Plasmmer. I was born with the full name Daniell Wilson Jose Mesquita, on the city of Cascavel, state of Parana, in Brazil. I was born in April 9 of the 1997 year, and currently I'm 21 years old (as the time I wrote this message). I declare I'm owner of this Namecoin address, of this domain (daniellmesquita.bit), of any copyrights/registers I do by using file hash codes in transactions and of any files registered here.
Sept. 24, 2018, 3:40 a.m. 418541 34c6dd8df… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE I'm Daniell Mesquita, also known as Mesquito and Plasmmer. I was born with the full name Daniell Wilson Jose Mesquita, on the city of Cascavel, state of Parana, in Brazil. I was born in April 9 of the 1997 year, and currently I'm 21 years old (as the time I wrote this message). I declare I'm owner of this Namecoin address, of this domain (daniellmesquita.bit), of any copyrights/registers I do by using file hash codes in transactions and of any files registered here.
Sept. 24, 2018, 12:55 a.m. 418524 3ced46630… NAME_NEW b8459666ccba36e557448f5a05a202d9cdfc297c