Name u/francispbaker

Status Active
Expires after block 748706 ( 22321 blocks to go )
Expiry date Dec. 8, 2024, 9:46 a.m. (estimate)
Last update March 31, 2024, 5:16 p.m. (block 712706)
Registered since Sept. 25, 2021, 3:42 a.m. (block 578066)
First registration Jan. 29, 2015, 10:18 p.m. (block 37368)
Current value
{"website": "", "bio": "I am a small time Web Developer, and Cryptocurrency believer, I like to build websites and see what my brain can create at the wildest hours.", "github": {"username": "FrancisPBaker", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Francis Baker"}, "twitter": {"username": "Baakeer"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {}, "next": "i/francispbaker-1"}

Name operations

Date/Time Block Transaction Operation Value
March 31, 2024, 5:16 p.m. 712706 92bbc0b4b… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "I am a small time Web Developer, and Cryptocurrency believer, I like to build websites and see what my brain can create at the wildest hours.", "github": {"username": "FrancisPBaker", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Francis Baker"}, "twitter": {"username": "Baakeer"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {}, "next": "i/francispbaker-1"}
Aug. 19, 2023, 3:26 p.m. 679427 3fabf61b0… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "I am a small time Web Developer, and Cryptocurrency believer, I like to build websites and see what my brain can create at the wildest hours.", "github": {"username": "FrancisPBaker", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Francis Baker"}, "twitter": {"username": "Baakeer"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {}, "next": "i/francispbaker-1"}
Jan. 17, 2023, 11:17 p.m. 647925 7184bab54… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "I am a small time Web Developer, and Cryptocurrency believer, I like to build websites and see what my brain can create at the wildest hours.", "github": {"username": "FrancisPBaker", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Francis Baker"}, "twitter": {"username": "Baakeer"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {}, "next": "i/francispbaker-1"}
May 23, 2022, 2:57 a.m. 613277 80d1f6fbe… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "I am a small time Web Developer, and Cryptocurrency believer, I like to build websites and see what my brain can create at the wildest hours.", "github": {"username": "FrancisPBaker", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Francis Baker"}, "twitter": {"username": "Baakeer"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {}, "next": "i/francispbaker-1"}
Sept. 25, 2021, 3:42 a.m. 578066 a92619f40… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "I am a small time Web Developer, and Cryptocurrency believer, I like to build websites and see what my brain can create at the wildest hours.", "github": {"username": "FrancisPBaker", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Francis Baker"}, "twitter": {"username": "Baakeer"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {}, "next": "i/francispbaker-1"}
Sept. 25, 2021, 2:33 a.m. 578054 d47f577e4… NAME_NEW 58461d9feee23f7fd0448e88b3b02a03fe122d6c
Sept. 7, 2015, 8:01 p.m. 247927 4e7a863ac… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "I am a small time Web Developer, and Cryptocurrency believer, I like to build websites and see what my brain can create at the wildest hours.", "github": {"username": "FrancisPBaker", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Francis Baker"}, "twitter": {"username": "Baakeer"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {}, "next": "i/francispbaker-1"}
Jan. 30, 2015, 3:26 a.m. 215863 fbd781234… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "I am a small time Web Developer, and Cryptocurrency believer, I like to build websites and see what my brain can create at the wildest hours.", "github": {"username": "FrancisPBaker", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Francis Baker"}, "twitter": {"username": "Baakeer"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {}, "next": "i/francispbaker-1"}
Jan. 30, 2015, 12:52 a.m. 215849 94d1600a6… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "I am a small time Web Developer, and Cryptocurrency believer, I like to build websites and see what my brain can create at the wildest hours.", "github": {"username": "FrancisPBaker", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Francis Baker"}, "twitter": {"username": "Baakeer"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {}, "next": "i/francispbaker-1"}
Jan. 29, 2015, 11:51 p.m. 215844 07779fe47… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "I am a small time Web Developer, and Cryptocurrency believer, I like to build websites and see what my brain can create at the wildest hours.", "github": {"username": "FrancisPBaker", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Francis Baker"}, "twitter": {"username": "Baakeer"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {}, "next": "i/francispbaker-1"}
Jan. 29, 2015, 10:18 p.m. 215832 4f1597c76… NAME_NEW 45ad41263fc1ab0c922b36827db2bcc079befdd4