Name u/josephmoniz

Status Active
Expires after block 783609 ( 22358 blocks to go )
Expiry date Aug. 3, 2025, 12:32 p.m. (estimate)
Last update Nov. 27, 2024, 1:42 a.m. (block 747609)
Registered since Sept. 24, 2021, 2:52 p.m. (block 577979)
First registration March 10, 2014, 7:22 p.m. (block 37368)
Current value
{"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}

Name operations

Date/Time Block Transaction Operation Value
Nov. 27, 2024, 1:42 a.m. 747609 a5ed8b6a3… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}
April 3, 2024, 12:03 a.m. 713072 c84b9dff4… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}
Aug. 21, 2023, 7:14 p.m. 679767 1e299bbe1… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}
Jan. 18, 2023, 6:36 p.m. 648033 93ecb17d1… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}
May 23, 2022, 10:55 p.m. 613397 d584e64b0… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}
Sept. 24, 2021, 2:52 p.m. 577979 435129da3… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}
Sept. 24, 2021, 12:02 a.m. 577940 3ccd700ef… NAME_NEW b8ad3205b054108033a450a7bef13b03482c3b2e
Sept. 13, 2015, 10:40 p.m. 248805 94639f8fb… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "twitter": {"username": "josephmoniz"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}
July 15, 2015, 9:23 p.m. 239455 74dbb5914… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "twitter": {"username": "josephmoniz"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}
July 15, 2015, 5:43 p.m. 239439 a74e36154… NAME_NEW b86fb937b48c66598e4c94be74a68bb74444c746
Oct. 30, 2014, 7:05 p.m. 203297 868451c86… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "twitter": {"username": "josephmoniz"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}
Oct. 30, 2014, 2:49 p.m. 203266 803672fd9… NAME_NEW 10e58f780921df08c6a0b4845b8cf938a9af08ef
March 10, 2014, 10:35 p.m. 166337 ae5db5dc4… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "A digital sorcerer of sorts in a world where high tech wizardry will one day be reminiscent of shamanic magic.", "name": {"formatted": "Joseph Moniz"}, "bitcoin": {"address": "13xC8N8j4uQ5wmGKQzSyPzSFyQ2vX1h69F"}, "next": "i/josephmoniz-1", "location": {"formatted": "Fremont, CA"}, "v": "0.2"}
March 10, 2014, 7:22 p.m. 166319 a73793c02… NAME_NEW 7b1439f9450e8d7626053630b8becf333689ca4f