Name u/mlednor

Status Active
Expires after block 783466 ( 21712 blocks to go )
Expiry date Aug. 2, 2025, 5:01 p.m. (estimate)
Last update Nov. 26, 2024, 2:01 a.m. (block 747466)
Registered since Sept. 24, 2021, 5:55 p.m. (block 577995)
First registration Feb. 14, 2015, 6:38 p.m. (block 37368)
Current value
{"website": "", "bio": "Large and Fluffy.", "github": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Mark Lednor"}, "twitter": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Gj7ThKU74r9K9kPsRVwbz322GDEQzgCT2"}, "next": "i/mlednor-1"}

Name operations

Date/Time Block Transaction Operation Value
Nov. 26, 2024, 2:01 a.m. 747466 a327860b1… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Large and Fluffy.", "github": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Mark Lednor"}, "twitter": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Gj7ThKU74r9K9kPsRVwbz322GDEQzgCT2"}, "next": "i/mlednor-1"}
March 30, 2024, 3:31 p.m. 712559 8f66b79a2… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Large and Fluffy.", "github": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Mark Lednor"}, "twitter": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Gj7ThKU74r9K9kPsRVwbz322GDEQzgCT2"}, "next": "i/mlednor-1"}
Aug. 17, 2023, 11:20 a.m. 679118 c64cf9857… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Large and Fluffy.", "github": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Mark Lednor"}, "twitter": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Gj7ThKU74r9K9kPsRVwbz322GDEQzgCT2"}, "next": "i/mlednor-1"}
Jan. 17, 2023, 9:17 p.m. 647911 661ca6572… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Large and Fluffy.", "github": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Mark Lednor"}, "twitter": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Gj7ThKU74r9K9kPsRVwbz322GDEQzgCT2"}, "next": "i/mlednor-1"}
Jan. 17, 2023, 7:37 p.m. 647901 db549d754… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Large and Fluffy.", "github": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Mark Lednor"}, "twitter": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Gj7ThKU74r9K9kPsRVwbz322GDEQzgCT2"}, "next": "i/mlednor-1"}
May 19, 2022, 2:55 p.m. 612798 6fb9e397e… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Large and Fluffy.", "github": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Mark Lednor"}, "twitter": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Gj7ThKU74r9K9kPsRVwbz322GDEQzgCT2"}, "next": "i/mlednor-1"}
Sept. 24, 2021, 5:55 p.m. 577995 04e04b144… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Large and Fluffy.", "github": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Mark Lednor"}, "twitter": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Gj7ThKU74r9K9kPsRVwbz322GDEQzgCT2"}, "next": "i/mlednor-1"}
Sept. 24, 2021, 3:31 p.m. 577983 5e60dd377… NAME_NEW e3d37926ca3b1ec1919d9c46f2d35be127050696
Sept. 8, 2015, 3:41 p.m. 248043 dfef2dc31… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Large and Fluffy.", "github": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Mark Lednor"}, "twitter": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Gj7ThKU74r9K9kPsRVwbz322GDEQzgCT2"}, "next": "i/mlednor-1"}
Feb. 14, 2015, 8:49 p.m. 218165 c0b97150d… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Large and Fluffy.", "github": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "name": {"formatted": "Mark Lednor"}, "twitter": {"username": "mlednor", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Gj7ThKU74r9K9kPsRVwbz322GDEQzgCT2"}, "next": "i/mlednor-1"}
Feb. 14, 2015, 6:38 p.m. 218151 da6768150… NAME_NEW 07e5e3ac59443d989de976068fc3b2705dae4d0e