Name u/msg

Status Active
Expires after block 783424 ( 21801 blocks to go )
Expiry date Aug. 2, 2025, 5:25 a.m. (estimate)
Last update Nov. 25, 2024, 7:49 p.m. (block 747424)
Registered since Sept. 23, 2021, 4:15 p.m. (block 577887)
First registration May 7, 2014, 9:11 p.m. (block 37368)
Current value
{"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}

Name operations

Date/Time Block Transaction Operation Value
Nov. 25, 2024, 7:49 p.m. 747424 018cc9ce9… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
March 29, 2024, 10:42 p.m. 712463 cb840e29b… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
Aug. 17, 2023, 10:36 a.m. 679114 b1d26230d… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
Jan. 17, 2023, 4:21 p.m. 647886 f923c5465… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
Jan. 17, 2023, 3:12 p.m. 647880 306d84a61… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
Jan. 17, 2023, 2:52 p.m. 647876 d9ed9c8e1… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
Jan. 17, 2023, 4:06 a.m. 647811 e4447ef35… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
Jan. 17, 2023, 3:08 a.m. 647805 dda048ae4… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
May 17, 2022, 3:45 p.m. 612525 06cdee681… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
Sept. 23, 2021, 4:15 p.m. 577887 dcebd0086… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
Sept. 23, 2021, 2:04 p.m. 577875 84a345ed8… NAME_NEW 70242b00a62b38a3c51309da770940e6674c34dd
Aug. 26, 2015, 5:36 p.m. 245951 f10386d09… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
Aug. 26, 2015, 3:23 p.m. 245934 c16e9de33… NAME_NEW c69d38c26e979f392d3c6d90bdf66a2203c9754b
Dec. 8, 2014, 4:27 p.m. 208932 9a942363e… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
May 8, 2014, 2:06 p.m. 175816 659050e7c… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Working on @superdotcc let me know what u think :) cofounded @Aviary & love to dance", "name": {"formatted": "Michael S Galpert"}, "twitter": {"username": "msg"}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1CSd4QigEi3sEmFdmfbJ1xomaU1uDt9Ec6"}, "next": "i/msg-1", "location": {"formatted": "94107"}, "v": "0.2"}
May 7, 2014, 9:11 p.m. 175689 121b64766… NAME_NEW 8ee580602c1a9ef748d8b24ca4e5151f70225de1