Name u/tereza

Status Active
Expires after block 783571 ( 21842 blocks to go )
Expiry date Aug. 3, 2025, 10:29 a.m. (estimate)
Last update Nov. 26, 2024, 5:52 p.m. (block 747571)
Registered since Sept. 23, 2021, 6:54 p.m. (block 577906)
First registration Nov. 14, 2014, 6:34 p.m. (block 37368)
Current value
{"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Ps9kWAPQirKCX956cpJgBYDo51mNM8RCf"}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}

Name operations

Date/Time Block Transaction Operation Value
Nov. 26, 2024, 5:52 p.m. 747571 d0d3cb75e… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Ps9kWAPQirKCX956cpJgBYDo51mNM8RCf"}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}
March 31, 2024, 5:28 p.m. 712709 c7451907d… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Ps9kWAPQirKCX956cpJgBYDo51mNM8RCf"}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}
Aug. 19, 2023, 4:17 p.m. 679431 c9f3bd460… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Ps9kWAPQirKCX956cpJgBYDo51mNM8RCf"}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}
Jan. 18, 2023, 12:27 a.m. 647929 0e9c39353… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Ps9kWAPQirKCX956cpJgBYDo51mNM8RCf"}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}
May 22, 2022, 1:52 a.m. 613144 3f2b8312e… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Ps9kWAPQirKCX956cpJgBYDo51mNM8RCf"}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}
Sept. 23, 2021, 6:54 p.m. 577906 e24d2511e… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Ps9kWAPQirKCX956cpJgBYDo51mNM8RCf"}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}
Sept. 23, 2021, 4:52 p.m. 577894 29f11c917… NAME_NEW bf17c9cf78880a86ffba294296b888efde27e948
Sept. 10, 2015, 4:13 p.m. 248326 c96dc1ada… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "graph": {"url": ""}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}
July 30, 2015, 6:43 p.m. 241813 6790bd526… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "graph": {"url": ""}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}
July 30, 2015, 4:12 p.m. 241797 7cd95ddb1… NAME_NEW aa1f37605efa443cc648141820fafa1c49f564e6
Nov. 15, 2014, 9:34 p.m. 205626 7cfb913d3… NAME_UPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "graph": {"url": ""}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}
Nov. 15, 2014, 7:44 a.m. 205534 a66cf7bdd… NAME_FIRSTUPDATE {"website": "", "bio": "Entrepreneur and change agent obsessed with making innovation scalable and life-sustainable. Bringing the best of Microsoft to startups -- and vice-versa.", "name": {"formatted": "Tereza Nemessanyi"}, "twitter": {"username": "TerezaN", "proof": {"url": ""}}, "cover": {"url": ""}, "bitcoin": {"address": "1Ps9kWAPQirKCX956cpJgBYDo51mNM8RCf"}, "next": "i/tereza-1"}
Nov. 14, 2014, 6:34 p.m. 205442 1aa998207… NAME_NEW 873938fa99c3a0fccad95e694fd579ccb3c956fc